We Believe Your Free Time
Wasn't Made For Housework

Providing Cleaning Services Since 2006

Why Choose Us ?

  • Trained & Skilled Staff

  • Our Priority is Customer Satisfaction

  • We work with Reasonable Pricing

Service We Offer

We are dedicated to providing high quality services

Welcome to

The Cleaning Authority

We the Cleaning Authority offer many cleaning service to suit your needs including daily weekly bi-weekly and monthly service deep cleaning windows floor move in move out cleaning  after party and much more. read more

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Our Happy Client Testimonies

First family I work with in Trinidad

I met Corretta 15 years ago when I lived with my family in Trinidad and Tobago, and she worked for us, Corretta has always treated my children, who are now adults, with love care and dedication, as a professional, Corretta doesn't leave anything pending to be done, my house was always very clean, she did a perfect cleaning job, and also delicious food ! I can only thank her for her dedication to the good times that Corretta worked for us!


Needed someone to come in at my home to give a general cleaning and then continue with once a week. In times like these it's almost impossible to have someone clean your home and not find something broke or gone missing.however I must say that the Cleaning Authority service has definitely change my point of view and the fear of letting someone in my home while I focus on other things.when this cleaning service isn't available I wait because I know that I am in trusting hands.
Over the years Corretta got to know my friends and family providing excellent service for most of them.
I would recommend the Cleaning Authority service any day if you are in fact looking for a good job done and someone you can trust. Thank you for showing up at your best always.

Gabastou Family

Corretta always cleans in an excellent way and always finds the best places that need cleaning. She is at all times very kind, honest, professional and a good friend.

Shimsy Anna Varkey

Corretta was very friendly, diligent in her work at my house. She always made sure the house was clean and also paid attention to any special instructions I gave her. I was very pleased with her work and miss her dearly.